By both rich and poor men.
They hunt her for power, money and beauty,
And what not they do to make her feel dirty.
Upon her cradle they threw earth,
Without understanding a woman’s worth.
She is a warrior fighting just to survive,
The war begins even before she turns five.
They don’t give her books or pen,
Lest she undermine other men.
She must do whatever told,
Until she marries a man young or old.
They trap her within in four walls,
To offer her if any body calls.
They taste her and leave her alone,
It happens not only outside but also at home.
Danger is her shadow throughout the day,
At night, it is even beyond I can say.
They abuse her in every ways they can,
There is no other place safe even if she ran.
Nightmare is her life and living is her dream,
There are not many chances, for her to beam.

One day, she becomes a mother to another child,
It is yet another girl into this world so wild.
Upon whom can she now place her faith?
On God she counts to change her child’s fate.
She wishes her child to do well,
And to live a life different from hell.
It is yet another girl into this world so wild.
Upon whom can she now place her faith?
On God she counts to change her child’s fate.
She wishes her child to do well,
And to live a life different from hell.
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