A glass of water not just holds water ....... Read ahead to find out !!
Japanese sickness association has published the following experiment with water. They claim 100% success for curing old and new diseases as follows:
1. Headache, blood pressure, Anemia, Arthritis paralysis and obesity.
2. Cough, bronchitis: Asthma and tuberculosis.
3. Meningitis and any other diseases connected with urine and liver.
4. Hyper-acidity, Gastritis, Dysentery, Constipation, Piles, and Diabetes.
5. Any other diseases connected with Eye, Nose and throat.
6. Irregular menstrual periods of women.
Wake up early morning and drink four (4) glasses of water (180ml. Each) in an empty stomach. Thereafter no solids or liquids should be taken up to 45 minutes. Normal breakfast can be taken after 45 minutes elapsed. Nothing either liquid or solid should be taken for 2 hours after breakfast, the same as with lunch and dinner. After dinner nothing should be taken before bedtime or sleep.
Sick and old people will find it difficult to drink four (4) glasses of water at an instant in the beginning but can increase gradually to the recommended level in a short period of time.
Those who are suffering from arthritis should try this experiment three (3) times a day for one (1) week and thereafter reduce to once in the morning. For the first few days, you may experience to pass urine more than the normal but no side effects.
Why not try it out ....... when it is life worthy !!
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