Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A simple call

I chose to believe in God,

For it gave me courage to fight any odd.

It made me feel safe and sound,

It made me walk with no fear unbound.

I felt relieved and calm when I pray,

For it let wholesome happiness to stay.

It promised me support when I had none,

It taught me what to keep and what to shun.

It made me strong when ever I lose,

For it is their turn to win, tomorrow who knows whose.

It made me understand nothing stays forever,

But we must always try to succeed, however.

It made me act fair and square,

Not only at home but every where.

It softened my heart for the poor,

And I always wanted to help them for sure.

It made my character very nice,

I was called charming and wise.

It gave me a Friend to always watch upon me,

That is God, so Supreme and Mighty.

Our hopes and dreams also comes true,

But those who wait patiently are very few.

Faith works when it comes from the heart,

It cannot be taught like a lesson or art.

Talk from your heart to reach The Lord,

It is as simple as that, and not very hard.

Wife fattening !

Most of us connect hunger, poverty, disease and death to the country Africa.... but there is something more to it. Can you believe if I tell you that, in this under nourished country there is a strange tradition of force feeding children.

Mauritania is one of the African countries where obesity is so revered among Mauritania's white Moor Arab population that the young girls are sometimes force-fed to obtain a weight the government has described as "life-threatening".

A generation ago, over a third of women in the country were force-fed as children. Now only around one in 10 girls are treated this way. The treatment has its roots in fat being seen as a sign of wealth - if a girl was thin she was considered poor, and would not be respected.

But in rural Mauritania you still see the rotund women that the country is famous for. They walk slowly, dainty hands on the end of dimpled arms, pinching multicoloured swathes of fabric together to keep the biting sand from their faces.
They make them eat and eat and eat. And then drink lots and lots of water. They do this three times a day - in the morning, afternoon and in the evening."

Eventually the girls could end up weighing between 60 to 100 kilograms with lots of layers of fat.

Obesity is seen as a sign a husband cares for his wife. They are proud and show off their good size to make men dribble.Traditionally a fat wife was a symbol of wealth. Now they've got another vision, another criteria for beauty.

They believe fat woman can get married easily and serve the man well. 

Hmm .... what a strange twist in woman's thought.

Friday, November 14, 2008

How to donate organs in an Islamic way ?

Donating organs is indeed a noble act. But there are certain things to keep in mind as a Muslim.

Firstly ....

A dead person (muslim) can doante organs to a living person on the condition that permission is given either by the person before his death or by his heirs, or by the leader of the Muslims in cases where the dead person’s identity is unknown or he has no heirs. Upon this condition he or she can doante organs wit no buying or selling. Yes.... NO MONEY involved.

But can the beneficiary spend money to show his appreciation is still under scholary debate.


The donar must be mature to understand what is being done. If we talk about donating organs while the donar is alive, it is haraam to take an organ on which life depends, such as a heart.


The well being of the beneficiary and the donar must be assured.



Every time I sit alone, alone with my
feelings unspoken,
I wish I had, just one person who could
mend my heart that is broken,
I wish he would wipe my tears away,
And would take me in his arms and
say ‘it is okay’.
Who will hear to how I feel
And think of ways to heal.
Who will say a joke to make me smile,
Or would try something else worthwhile.
Who will put me to bed and
stay by my side,
To see if I again cried.
Who will take my hand in his
to show his love with a kiss.
Who will look into my eyes
to wash away my sighs.
Who will speak something
to make me strong,
May be a promise to stay
when something goes wrong.
Who will move his hands over my hair,
To mesmerize me with his care
Who will whisper a word of love close to me,
To end my day the way I wanted to be.
Who will cover me with a blanket
And put me to sleep,
Who will pray that I never
Again have worries to keep.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yawning ....

Haaahw..... !! Have you wondered what causes this yawning. No body really knows the exact cause of yawning, but there are many theories to support yawning
One such is that the person yawns when he becomes lethargic and the oxygen level in his blood decreases and the content of carbon dioxide increases. Through yawning the intake of oxygen can increase and reduce the carbon dioxide.
But practically when the person is supplied with less oxygen does not increasingly yawn and when he is supplied with more carbon dioxide he does not yawn continuously Hmmmm...... quite surprising isn't it !!

Other theory is that is the mechanism which is used to expand the lung tissues and it prevents rigidity. It allows good flow of air and keeps the mind fresh.

Another theory says that it helps to distribute a liquid to the lungs which acts as lubricant. It promotes good contraction and relaxation for the lungs.
Yawning is an involuntary reflex action. It mostly takes place when the body is very tired or when the mind is bored. No body knows when it is likely to occur.
Hope ...... i didn't keep you yawning while reading ;)
Have a nice day !!



Why does man desire blood to quench his rage?
He chooses to kill children and women at all age.
He brings many reasons to honor his fight,
What justice does that bring to people living in fright?

He picks any weapon that suits his cause,
He brings a lively neighborhood to a haunting pause.
He commits the crime and hides behind the bush,
And leaves other innocent lives in ambush.

He has stolen peace from everybody’s mind,
He has been so brutal and unkind.
He snatched the chance to see the sun rise,
He killed them at night when they closed their eyes.

I don’t know what is he trying to convey?
Will any one be left to hear what he has to say?
He made the menace of war very vast,
He turned everybody homeless and lost.

What did he achieve so far in his life?
He simply put people ruthlessly in strife.
He may be strong, but he will die one day,
Leaving nothing good for the world to say.
The people will stone at his picture,
On behalf of those who underwent torture.

Don’t live this way, my friend,
Let others tribute you when your lives end.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our baby's tummy time

Everybody feels happy to hold babies and cuddle them .... but make sure you don't do it at the cost of "Tummy time". It is very essential that you let your baby spends a few time on his tummy Here's our baby boy on his tummy. He seems comfortable ... but he really struggled a lot !!

This position promotes trunk stability, limb cordination, and head control. That's not all....spending time on his belly encourages your baby to practice reaching and pivoting, skills that are often the precursors to crawling. Besides the physical benefits of tummy time, giving your infant playtime on his belly will minimize any flat spots on his head he may have gotten from back sleeping.

When to start ??

Introduce your baby to tummy time around the 3- to 4-month mark. At this point, she has better neck strength and control, so she's able to lift and turn her head while lying down. Start by placing her on a blanket on the floor and giving her several five- to ten-minute sessions each day.

By about 4 months, your baby should be able to lift her chest off the floor and lean on her elbows with her head upright. She may even be able to lift her arms off the floor, arch her back, and kick her feet. As your baby stretches and pushes on the floor, she may accidentally lean to one side, fall over, and roll from her belly onto her back. Don't worry; that's normal.

At 5 or 6 months, she will begin to pivot on her belly and use her arms to reach in front of her or to the sides.

When your baby learns to make his body do new things, he feels a sense of accomplishment. This gives him the confidence to try new skills as he grows and his coordination improves. Isn't that worth all the effort ..... !!


Hunted are women every now and then,
By both rich and poor men.
They hunt her for power, money and beauty,
And what not they do to make her feel dirty.

Upon her cradle they threw earth,
Without understanding a woman’s worth.
She is a warrior fighting just to survive,
The war begins even before she turns five.

They don’t give her books or pen,
Lest she undermine other men.
She must do whatever told,
Until she marries a man young or old.

They trap her within in four walls,
To offer her if any body calls.
They taste her and leave her alone,
It happens not only outside but also at home.

Danger is her shadow throughout the day,
At night, it is even beyond I can say.
They abuse her in every ways they can,
There is no other place safe even if she ran.
Nightmare is her life and living is her dream,
There are not many chances, for her to beam.

One day, she becomes a mother to another child,
It is yet another girl into this world so wild.
Upon whom can she now place her faith?
On God she counts to change her child’s fate.
She wishes her child to do well,
And to live a life different from hell.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Miracles of water

A glass of water not just holds water ....... Read ahead to find out !!

Japanese sickness association has published the following experiment with water. They claim 100% success for curing old and new diseases as follows:

1. Headache, blood pressure, Anemia, Arthritis paralysis and obesity.
2. Cough, bronchitis: Asthma and tuberculosis.
3. Meningitis and any other diseases connected with urine and liver.
4. Hyper-acidity, Gastritis, Dysentery, Constipation, Piles, and Diabetes.
5. Any other diseases connected with Eye, Nose and throat.
6. Irregular menstrual periods of women.


Wake up early morning and drink four (4) glasses of water (180ml. Each) in an empty stomach. Thereafter no solids or liquids should be taken up to 45 minutes. Normal breakfast can be taken after 45 minutes elapsed. Nothing either liquid or solid should be taken for 2 hours after breakfast, the same as with lunch and dinner. After dinner nothing should be taken before bedtime or sleep.

Sick and old people will find it difficult to drink four (4) glasses of water at an instant in the beginning but can increase gradually to the recommended level in a short period of time.

Those who are suffering from arthritis should try this experiment three (3) times a day for one (1) week and thereafter reduce to once in the morning. For the first few days, you may experience to pass urine more than the normal but no side effects.

Why not try it out ....... when it is life worthy !!

New parents

Very cute baby ... isn't it !! What a innocence in his face. But things take a different shape as he grows. As parents it has become important to shape them rightly to face the dynamic world.

We are parents ourselves now .... and I spend several nights thinking what my baby will grow like. We want to be merciful, forbearing, easy-going and approachable, not foul-mouthed. But I know sometimes the kids can get real tough..... !! They have fun doing the DON'TS sometimes.

This concern brought me close to look upon what Islam has to tell to those fearful couples who are now new parents. Islam says ......

Raising and educating children is one of the duties required of parents. Raising them in the light of Islam really makes a big difference in their life. Allah has enjoined that in the Qur’an, and the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also enjoined that in his sayings. Allah says :
"O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allaah, but do that which they are command"

We must keep them away from the places of immorality and misguidance. Whoever sows thorns cannot grapes. That should be done when they are young, so that it will be easy for them when they grow up, and they will get used to it, and it will be easy for you to tell them what to do and what not to do, and it will be easy for them to obey you. Iman comes not from learning but from living.

Discipline is the nourishment of the soul, and training it for the Hereafter. For a father to discipline his child when he reaches the age of discernment means that he should raise him with the characteristics of the righteous believers. If he teaches him properly, his actions will be among his ongoing charity that will last as long as the child lives.

Don't forget this .....disciplining one who is good and noble is different from disciplining one who is difficult and ignoble.... !! Concerning such matters the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) advised parents to discourage their children from doing wrong.

It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Hang your whip where the members of the household can see it, for that will discipline them.”

So raising children should be a balance between encouragement and warning. One of the ways in which a parent may be successful in raising his children is to play Qur’aan recitation, khutbahs and lessons of scholars.

Afterall the future of the child lies in our hands.