Friday, November 14, 2008

How to donate organs in an Islamic way ?

Donating organs is indeed a noble act. But there are certain things to keep in mind as a Muslim.

Firstly ....

A dead person (muslim) can doante organs to a living person on the condition that permission is given either by the person before his death or by his heirs, or by the leader of the Muslims in cases where the dead person’s identity is unknown or he has no heirs. Upon this condition he or she can doante organs wit no buying or selling. Yes.... NO MONEY involved.

But can the beneficiary spend money to show his appreciation is still under scholary debate.


The donar must be mature to understand what is being done. If we talk about donating organs while the donar is alive, it is haraam to take an organ on which life depends, such as a heart.


The well being of the beneficiary and the donar must be assured.


  1. //
    [The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another.] (At-Tawbah 9: 71)
    Almighty Allah knows the best..
    Jazaak Allah brother for this islamic-informative article.
